Simple & secure so you can solve problems faster
Customize your logo, icons, and color schemes so your customers see your branding, not ours. Change the language to meet the needs of your clients, no matter where they are.
Role-based security with manage-session functionality allows you to group sessions and restrict access to certain roles.
Use customizations to request consent, alert users, and allow unobtrusive connections for monitoring machine use.
Host from Windows, Mac, Linus, iOS, or Android, with functional compatibility with all major browsers.
Integrate with major third-party vendors to expand your business capabilities, and take advantage of even more functionality.
Other features
Fully functional remote support solution. Remotely view and control devices from anywhere there is an Internet connection.
Control and access unattended computers or servers. Anyone, from technicians to company employees, can simplify connections with remote access.
Remote meetings deliver standard 1:1 screen sharing, plus enhanced features that allow unlimited attendees for a feature-rich remote meeting tool.
Make your IT team unstoppable—Fix IT Faster with ScreenConnect!
Don’t wait for delays or disruption. Start providing real-time, elevated IT support today.