ScreenConnect™ Support key features

Unattended Access
Remote Support
Remote Computer
Remote Meeting
Mobile Device Support

What's new

Our obsession with partner success continues in our latest release, starring new security features and much more.

Introducing ConnectWise View

ConnectWise View™ is a premium extension in ConnectWise ScreenConnect allowing your technicians to access an end users phone mobile device camera to detect and resolve hardware issues. Be on-site without being on-site! Ready to get all the details and to see ConnectWise View in action?

SAML authentication

Providing top-notch support requires lightning-fast connectivity you can count on and an easy way for you to gain single sign-on access to your environment. Use SAML as your authentication source to access your environment and start solving problems in a flash.

Multiple user source management

Need to set up a remote workforce for client companies? Want to make managing multiple groups of users easier? You’ve got it. You can confidently and securely call to multiple LDAP user sources, linking multiple AD directories for simpler administration.

Host pass configuration

Now, administrators can provide vendor access for more than a single day. New host pass configuration options offer flexible duration times that range from 48 hours, 72 hours, one week, two weeks, and all the way up to 30 days.

See what else is new with ConnectWise ScreenConnect

Find machines faster

Quickly find machines when subgroups are created automatically and dynamically based on CustomProperty1; machines are organized out of the box.

Extensions marketplace

To protect intellectual property of developers and usability standards for administrators, extensions will be QA’d and code-reviewed to guarantee quality assurance.

Selective client survey

Hosts can choose when to offer feedback as the client survey is no longer automatically sent to the partner at the close of each session.

5-digit session code

There’s now a greater probability that hosts can provide guests with a truly unique code that connects them to the correct support session.

Audit log filter

Administrators can quickly and easily find and download specific recordings by filtering the audit log by session name.

Support session options

No longer rely on guests to know how to exit a session to get disconnected; now, hosts can remote a guest from a session right from the host page.

Make your IT team unstoppable—Fix IT Faster with ScreenConnect! 

Don’t wait for delays or disruption. Start providing real-time, elevated IT support today.